Thursday, July 17, 2014

Potlatch - "Самый страшный зверь" (2014)

POTLATCH "Самый страшный зверь"

Year: 2014
Genre: Dark Hardcore / Thrash Metal
Country: Russia

Track List:
  1. Отверженные
  2. Нищета Повседневной Жизни
  3. Последние Из Нас
  4. Если Родина Прикажет
  5. Львиное Сердце
  6. Сила Есть Право
  7. Так Закалялась Сталь
  8. Навстречу Смерти
  9. Беспомощность
  10. Дух Времени
  11. Самый Страшный Зверь
bandcamp / itunes

The cover art is based on Viktor Vasnetsov's 1889 painting "Ivan Tsarevich & the Gray Wolf", so one could expect the music on this album to be folk metal - but it isn't. In fact it is:

"...a debut heartbreaking release from Potlatch - a dark hardcore formation from St.Petersburg, a soporific melancholic capital of Russia. Album consists of 11 tragic opuses touching upon such issues as pursuing one's individuality, war, death, apocalypse, prison, violence, grief and helplessness. The members of the band issued a limited edition of CD’s by their own means. The album is for those who feel indifferent to music of such bands as Enabler, Oathbreaker, Dead in the Dirt and Tragedy. Oskar Wilde' s quote has been chosen as a slogan to this obscure record: «We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars»".

What can I say? I've never heard anything about these guys before this LP came out, but they're really good. They really have filled the void in Russian political metallic hardcore scene which appeared after Forge of Customs split up, and their LP is going to be one of the best releases of 2014 to come from the ex-USSR. Maybe this year is finally going to be not as disappointing in this regard as I initially have thought...

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