Monday, July 1, 2013

Teenage Suicide - "Volume II" (2013)


Year: 2013
Genre: Blackened Grindcore/Sludge/Noise
Country: Brazil 

Track List:
  1. Dogma
  2. Choices I
  3. Broken ouroborus
  4. Heartbreaker
  5. New brutalism I
  6. (Anti)Social
  7. Through grime
  8. New brutalism II
  9. Believers
  10. Binarism
  11. Choices II
  12. Suicide
facebook / bandcamp

Second release from Teenage Suicide, again featuring a weird mix of blackened hardcore/grind, sludge, and industrial noise. A lot of my readers found the 1st demo interesting, so I hope this one won't leave them disappointed too. Recorded between February and March MMXIII, front cover art by MizEnScen.

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