Saturday, May 4, 2019

Awenden - s/t (2018)

AWENDEN "Awenden"

Year: 2019
Genre: Atmospheric Black Metal
Origin: USA

Track List:
  1. Awake
  2. The Wilderness
  3. ...
  4. A Scourge on the Earth
  5. The Wild Jihad
Bandcamp / Facebook / Instagram

Awesome Cascadian style anarcho-primitivist black metal from Oregon and Washington. They're working on a new full length, but in the mean time, the self titled album is up for free on bandcamp.


  1. Crap bands. When you do Black Metal, at least do it properly. Right wingers, in that regards, are light years ahead of you.

  2. Căm ơn bài viết của bạn, mời các bạn xem các thông tin : Xem Tìm và giữ lại răng bị rơi ra ?

  3. Absolutely love the anarcho-primitivist vibes in Awenden's music. Their self-titled album is a must-listen for any black metal enthusiast. Available for free on Bandcamp!
