Sunday, July 20, 2014

V/A - "Crushing Intolerance vol.1" (2014)

V/A "Crushing Intolerance (vol.1)"

Year: 2014
Genre: Black Metal
Country: Earth

Track List:
  1. Corvid Canine - Pallid Lands
  2. Ancst - Seasons of Separation
  3. Anti-Freeze - Vision II
  4. Cara Neir - Cradled by Apathy
  5. Koldscov (ft. Ravenwood) - The Birthplace
  6. Schattenlicht - Niemals Vergessen
  7. Deafest - Almagre
  8. Unru - Von der Flüchtigkeit des Todes
  9. Twilight Fauna - The Old Forest Road
  10. Saus - Intro & II
  11. Smuteční Slavnost - Úsvit lidstva
  12. Crown of Asteria - First, Man of the Earth Terrestrial. Second, Man of the Sky, Celestial.
  13. Hunter-Gatherer - Hunter-Gatherer
  14. Stellar Descent - Cycles of Life (excerpt)
  15. Cuscuta - Trapped in the Beast, Tearing from Within...
  16. Wild's Reprisal - A Few Too Many

An anti-NSBM compilation which was announced by Chase (from Deafest) not so long ago, is finally out! It features a lot of the bands which you're already familiar with - Ancst, Schattenlicht, Deafest, Unru, Smuteční Slavnost, Hunter-Gatherer, Wild's Reprisal, and Twilight Fauna (though I can't remember if I posted anything from TF on here or not). Interesting new discoveries include Crown Of Asteria (an one-woman atmospheric BM project from Michigan) and Stellar Descent (Cascadian BM). "Almagre" by Deafest is an especially good track, one of the best on the whole compilation (which is quite lengthy, and features 16 different projects).

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