Thursday, May 22, 2014

V/A - "Moroccan Death Metal Compilation" (2011)

V/A "Moroccan Death Metal Compilation"

Year: 2011
Genre: Death Metal, Death/Black Metal, Grindcore
Country: Morocco

Track List:
  1. DESPOTISM - Total War
  2. NEKROS - Fol (2003)
  3. COGITO ERGO SUM - Inner Core Of Steel
  4. REBORN - Taht Shems
  5. SYNCOP - Expectations
  6. ALCANTAGRAM - Desire To Deceive
  7. NECROCANNIBALISTIC - Terror Psychophagist / Too Many Places Of Fuck
  8. THEOPHAGUS - Stench Of Shamharouch
  9. INFECTED BRAIN - Palestinenophobia
  10. EPHEMERAL PROMISE - Oppressed Thoughts
  11. ATMOSFEAR - Death Or Glory
  12. WANTED - The Last Wanted
  13. PSYCHOGRINDERS - Archetype Of Corruption
  14. BLASPHEMYTH - Do What Thou Wilt

This is a rare and interesting compilation of Moroccan death metal & grindcore of the 2000's (2001-2011), sent to me by Nicholas (Blasphemyth, Theophagus). All the bands on this sampler are very obscure, and I don't have any info on them (except for Blasphemyth, of course). Most of the tracks are apparent rehearsal/live recorded stuff, so you can guess the quality of recording. That said, if you're into very raw,  80's style, old school death/black metal, or if you're interested in North African metal scene in general, don't overlook this compilation - it includes a lot of bands whose tracks would be very hard to find elsewhere.

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