Monday, February 17, 2014

Incipit - "Desiertos" (2014)

INCIPIT "Desiertos"

Year: 2014
Genre: Black Metal/Punk
Country: Argentina

Track List:

  1. Desierto I
  2. Quien Canta Bajo
  3. Desierto II
  4. Mirando Adelante
  5. Primeras Luces
  6. Desierto III
  7. Respiro
  8. Salvando
  9. Desierto IV

The 3rd release from Incipit, if we don't count two splits released in 2011 and 2013. Again, it isn't bad for a DIY one-man band, but I think the drum programming could be better (as the drums are too repetitive at times). From now, Incipit has a bandcamp page, with all 3 releases available for free (or for whatever price you want).

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