Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Incarceration - "Sacrifice" (2013)


Year: 2013
Genre: Killer Old School Fucking Death Metal (self-described)
Country: Germany/Brazil

Track List:
  1. Forsaken and Forgotten
  2. Sacrifice
  3. Cemetery of Lies

"3 tracks of necro sickfuck old school death metal inspired by the fastest riffs of Nihilist, Sadistic Intent, Repugnant, Sepultura and Slayer.
A release signed by Dawnbreed Records limited in 500 Vinyls: 100 white (including patch) and 400 black! all handnumbered !
Infos: incarcerationdeath@hotmail.com"

Of course I'm posting it from the band's permission, but if you want to buy it, hurry up: there are only 4 copies remaining avaiable up to date. The EP is indeed very good: fast and brutal, in the vein of the best old school death/black metal bands. Check out the video for "Forsaken and Forgotten":

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