Friday, December 20, 2013

Redneck Warmachine - "Cryptic Basement Terror" (2011)

REDNECK WARMACHINE "Cryptic Basement Terror"

Year: 2011
Genre: Grindcore, Crustgrind
Country: USA

Track List:
  1. Guard Bears
  2. A.C.B.H.G.S.
  3. The Darkness That Sweeps From The North
  4. The Reeking Horde
  5. The Weed Experience
  6. Pedal

After I mentioned Redneck Warmachine in my Radagast post, people started to ask me where to download their demo, as it turned out to be quite hard to find. Well, here it is. I also received a message from one of the members of RD. According to him, the band is on hiatus right now, but hopefully there will be more releases in the future. The one and only RD demo was recorded two years ago.

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