Thursday, December 19, 2013

Act of Impalement - "Hyperborean Altar" (2013)

ACT OF IMPALEMENT "Hyperborean Altar"

Year: 2013
Genre: Blackened Doom Metal
Country: USA

Track List:
  1. Necromancer's Theme
  2. Teutoburg Forest
  3. Upon the Hyperborean Altar of the Triad Gods
  4. No Viking Funeral for Betrayers
  5. Inquisition (of the Innocent)
  6. Northumbrian King
  7. Rise, Ancient Pantheon
bandcamp / facebook

A new EP from this Nashville-based "war doom from Hell" band, definitely better than their debut demo: much heavier, more BM- and old school death metal-influenced. The band members adhere to the DIY punk ethos.

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