Tuesday, July 30, 2013

As Light Dies - "Ars Subtilior From Within The Cage" (2012)

AS LIGHT DIES "Ars Subtilior From Within The Cage"

Year: 2012
Genre: Progressive/Symphonic Metal
Country: Spain 

Track List:
  1. The Very End
  2. The Disinherited
  3. Le Nebuleux Sentier
  4. Die Letze Fuge Vor Der Flucht
  5. Trapped In Flesh
  6. Yearning For Blissful Moments While Standing Upon The Ruins
  7. Sombra Y Silencio
  8. Insignificant Among Insignificance
  9. When Everything Fades Away

I've never heard about this band before one of their members sent a message to me, but it appears like they're a long-standing (founded in 1999) and relatively well-known band. The material on this album is hard to classify, so I'll go with the official description: "The band fuses death metal, dark metal, folk and gothic metal in their music combining growl with clean male and female vocals and adorning it with enchanting violin solos. The result would become a discovery for fans of heavy and beautiful music". + it isn't "post-black metal", despite it was described as such at some blogs. The music is very well played and produced, but it isn't really my favourite genre to be honest. Other projects related to ALD are Garth Arum (atmospheric black metal) and Aegri Somnia (avant-garde/neofolk), both of which I'm going to check out when I'll have more free time.

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