Saturday, May 11, 2013

Black Vulture - "Depois Disso" (2013)

BLACK VULTURE "Depois Disso"

Year: 2013
Genre: Experimental Metal
Country: Brazil

Track List:
  1. Vahara
  2. Um Clamor Pela Estrela
  3. Joelhos e Um Punhado de Cacos
  4. The Enemy Left a Rose
  5. Men Dirt
  6. You Are Special

I've already mentioned this album on my blog a few months ago, but I forgot to check it out back then. Now I was reminded to do so (thanks Satanic Demolition Corporation), and what can I say? I'd rather call it "experimental metal" than black metal or whatever else, because the band is obviously moving away from black metal to a more avant-garde kind of sound, even with some elements of free jazz in their music. Actually reminds me of some Norwegian bands that initially had roots in black metal, but gradually evoved into something very experimental, closer to jazz-rock than to metal (see the Adversum Records catalogue for some examples). Is it worth listening? Depends on you. I actually liked this album, but many people on and elsewhere (mostly your stereotypical metalheads) complained about it. P.S. A new Black Vulture EP "Melo" is going to be released July this year.

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