Saturday, February 2, 2019

Trespasser - " Чому не вийшло?" (2018)

TRESPASSER "Чому не вийшло?"

Year: 2018
Genre: Black Metal
Country: Sweden

Track List:
  1. Hunted Like Wolves
  2. Black Flags On A Blood-Red Horizon
  3. To The Barricades
  4. Death To Fight Death
  5. Tachanka
  6. The Execution Of Grigor'ev
  7. Miscreant Dawn

""Чому не вийшло?" - sweden-based combos first official output can best be understood as a musical sermon, preaching the end-time-message. This is 32 minutes worth of apocalyptic black metal mayhem in the veins of IMMORTAL and UNANIMATED. Sounds like hell broke loose, shattering down everything we hold dear into pieces of anguish"

Lyrical themes: Anarchy, Revolution, Anti-fascism, Nestor Makhno

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