
Thursday, November 22, 2012

Haut&Court - "La Vie" (2012)


Year: 2012
Genre: Deathgrind
Country: France 

Track List:
  1. Let it Burst
  2. Krokodil
  3. This Genesis
  4. Collision
  5. Life
  6. Wasted time for wasted minds

Haut&Court (which means "hang them high" or something along these lines) are a 3-piece anarchist grindcore/mathcore band from Strasbourg. This EP is short yet very powerful, I think it's comparable to "Gleichschritt" by Neuron (one of the best crust-influenced death/grind albums, in my opinion). Recommended!

bandcamp / interview 

P.S. There's one more grindcore band from France that deserves your attention. They're called Filthy Charity, and a download link for their split w/ Wardead can be found here. (However, I'm not sure if I correctly understood what they wrote to me in their email, and if they want this split to be posted on my blog too)


  1. yeah Haut & court is a really promising band! great first record!
    if you're interested you can read the interview I did with them (in english) here :

  2. anarchist?????!!!!!!!!!!

    1. "We've discovered many great bands through your blog, and our vision is clearly anarchist" -Haut&Court

  3. I don't think their especially anarchist. but one thing I know is that when they play music they do it well.

  4. AHAH quels poseurs !
    Sortent de nulle part, enregistrent une demo dans un studio pro avant leur 1er concert, où ils se sont pointés avec du merch et tout, en ont profité pour tourner un clip... erk.
