Year: 2018
Genre: Black Metal
Country: USA
Sarparest is a black metal project by two biomedical scientists from NYC with an optimism for a better world and the material understanding of the unmerciful struggle we are faced with. This piece was exclusively written for Worldwide Organization of Metalheads Against Nazis
Sarparest is a black metal project by two biomedical scientists from NYC with an optimism for a better world and the material understanding of the unmerciful struggle we are faced with. This piece was exclusively written for Worldwide Organization of Metalheads Against Nazis
fUcKiNg rIdIcOlOuS. i cOuLd gIvE A ShIt iF ThEy'rE PrO WoMaN, iF ThEy'rE LaBeLiNgS ThEmSeLvEs aS CoMmIeS ThEy sHoUlD Be fUcKiNg aShEmEd oF ThEmSeLvEs. CoMmUnIsM = FaScIsM On tHe lEfT. lOoK OuT WhAt tHeY DiD In gUlAgS. tHaT'S CoMmUnIsM FoR Ya. SuCkErS.