Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Mother Earth - Uk'ux Ulew (2016)

MOTHER EARTH  "Uk'ux Ulew"

Year: 2016
Genre: Crust Punk
Country: Guatemala

Track List:
  1. Muerte a sus ídolos (Death to their idols)
  2. 1760
  3. Humanidad construyendo su propia destrucción (Human kind constructing their own destruction)
  4. Más de tres décadas teñidas con sangre (More than three decades painted with blood)
Facebook / Bandcamp

Mother Earth is a Crust Punk band from the Mayan villages in Guatemala.
"The Mayan Paganism  was in the colonial era a form of resistance to the evangelization and the colonization... this acts inspired the title of the EP"


  1. https://motherearthcrust.bandcamp.com/album/total-a-los-indios-siempre-nos-matan-ep
