Thursday, April 7, 2016

En Psychro - "Faceless Mass" (2014)

Εν Ψυχρώ (En Psychro) "Aπρόσωπη Μάζα (Faceless Mass)"

Year: 2014
Genre: D-Beat, Hardcore
Country: Cyprus

Track List:

  1. Aφανισμός (Annihilation)
  2. Πυρηνικός Εφιάλτης (Nuclear Nightmare)
  3. Θρησκευτικό Δόγμα (Religious Dogma)
  4. Τραμπουκιστάν (Trambukistan)
  5. Μαρί (Mari)
  6. Fight to survive
  7. Νοοτροπία Κομματόσκυλου (Sheep mentality)
  8. Ορχηστρικό (Instrumental)
  9. Aπρόσωπη Μάζα (Faceless Mass)
  10. Σύγκρουση (Conflict)
  11. Iσόβια Καραντίνα (Quarantine for life)
  12. Μέγα πρόβλημα (Mega problem)
  13. M.Γ.Δ. (C.P.M.)
  14. Τάσεις Φυγής (Urge to run away)
bandcamp / facebook / youtube

"En Psychro (In Cold Blood) were formed in the summer of 2011 in Cyprus as a D-beat Hardcore Punk band". This is pretty regular crust/hardcore punk without much metal influence, but it was interesting to hear a band from Cyprus and compare it to the mighty Greek punk scene. It wasn't a disappointment for sure.

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