Monday, October 19, 2015

Ominous Hymn - "Promo EP" (2015)

Ominous Hymn - "Promo EP"

Year: 2015
Genre: Black Metal
Country: United States

Track List:
  1. Parasitic Virtue
  2. Banners Raised Against God and Creation
  3. As Earth and Heaven Burn

What first stood out to me about Ominous Hymn is how honest the music is. It's black metal. No silly gimmicks or run through sub genres. The members don't have demonic alias' or wear corpse paint to look more sinister. It's just honest music played by hard working musicians because they love the art. Now onto the music! This is a Promo EP of three songs. Through the three tracks you can hear the numerous inspirations (Inquisition, Deathspell Omega, Darkthrone) and is well recorded without losing a certain unpolished grime. My only real complaint being that the drums sound a little too triggered. I was especially fond of the guitar that is very musical but just so perfectly raw. My favorite track is by far "As Earth and Heaven Burn" which is a spectacular piece of music. The ending arpeggio riff has been stuck in my head for several days now. Even after many plays I find myself coming back to hear it over and over. 

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