Monday, April 20, 2015

Frostland Tales - "Obrazy" (2015)


Year: 2015
Genre: DSBM, Dark Ambient
Country: Czech Republic

Track List:
  1. Les za svitu plamene (Rozjímání)
  2. Hvězdná obloha (Procitnutí)

Just as announced, this is the last release from Frostland Tales, consisting of only two short tracks. The track names mean "A forest in the light of flame (Meditation)" and "Starry sky (The awakening)" respectively. The cover image doesn't have any special meaning, it's just a photo made when he was in northern Italy. As for the music, it's very minimalistic. The author himself calls it "dark guitar-ambient", but feel free to call it however you want.

And the most disturbing part about this release - the author says that he's going to commit suicide by the end of this month, and the note is already written. It's the first time during the whole existence of my blog when a someone tells me about his suicide plans, so I really don't know how to react. I have no idea if he really intends to do it (or maybe already did), but if it's true... okay, it's his choice. Who am I to judge him and his decisions, anyway?..


  1. Um, no, if he's actually planning on killing himself then he should get treatment and therapy. Sure it's "his choice," but you're not helping things by being so flippant or indifferent about it on your blog.

    1. Well, it isn't like I can be helpful while being in another country and not even knowing his full name (let alone his other contact information, besides e-mail). So, all that's left for me is to state the things which I can't change anyway.

  2. *This is not the last release, just a preview of it. I'll post the full album in 2 weeks.

    1. At the same time, if I'm going to just strut and sell my surplus value -no question- that's not an existence either.

      I make sure my life is a friction against the machine (also a good documentary BTW) that's the one thing that keeps me going. I'm not letting them get away with using me like a rubber and I certainly won't let them get away with doing it for others. If that's the only testament I'll leave to this fucked up world and the increasingly fucked up civilizational choice of my supposed sentient species- that'll be it.

      No matter how they or their bands end up, I don't see anarchist or communist black metal bands just giving in like this. Others bands like bourgeois black metal bands like Mayhem on the other hand...

      -Another Anonymous

      -Another Anonymous

  3. Because you'll hurt people you know thats why. I haven't seen a suicide where they wasn't one loved one or friend betrayed and left to grieve because of it. You even have fans who wanted to see you play which is a lot more than I can say for my music. What of it?

    I've been there before. Thats a fact as the cosmoes are my witness and my thought was at the very least I'd push this to my middle-age when I had a bearing to commit. I knew that taking my life that young just didn't make sense. Still too much to figure out, still too much to prove.

    I don't know how political your band was, but the philosophy that gets me through is that I'll let the scumfucks in power make that decision than I. If they succeed in continuing this alienating, selfish, messed-up society than at least I died trying to change it. Its being in the here and the now. Its deciding what I want to be remembered by, as short as that time can be. Cause what else is there?

    Thats what I managed to push out this late in the A.M. If I were to go through with that then I'd at least take a banker or hedge-fund manager with me, or otherwise, what was the point?

    What are you trying to prove, accomplish?

    1. Is that so?

      Well then you haven't been to Yankeeland. I can feel like that everyday.

      You know, though I've been past it, I've been meaning to talk about suicide to someone whos been through that.

      Tell you what, since we're having a conversation; lets take it somewhere less bungly. If you reply to my contact method it means you got it.

  4. Edit. The last was posted by another Anonymous.
