Friday, May 3, 2019

Kopalhem - "Лики обреченных (Demo)" (2019)

KOPALHEM "Лики обреченных (Demo)"

Year: 2019
Genre: Blackened Crust
Country: Russia

Track List:
  1. Черный флаг (Black flag)
  2. Шкуродер (Lycanthropy)
  3. Город руины (Ruin City)
  4. Блокада (Blockade)
  5. Путь в пустоту (The Road To The Void)
  6. Стычка (Firefight)
  7. Дневник обреченного (Diary Of The Doomed One)
  8. Всадники смерти (Riders of the Dead)

A band from St. Petersburg inspired by the story of Nestor Makhno and the tragic events in the first half of 20th century. "Kopalhem" is another name for igunaq, a kind of potentially poisonous fermented food traditionally consumed in the Arctic regions.


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