Thursday, February 25, 2010

Terrorist - "Mata O Muere" (2003)

TERRORIST "Mata O Muere"

Year: 2003
Genre: Death Metal
Country: Argentina
Label: Deus Mortuus Prod.

Track List:
  1. Mundo En Llamas
  2. Estado Brutal
  3. Himno Del Odio
  4. Mata O Muere
  5. 100% Terroristas
  6. Enemigo
  7. Malditas Partes En Mi Mente
  8. Ossama
  9. Cadenas Sangrientas
  10. Enfermo De Mierda
  11. Desprecio
  12. Un Minuto De Silencio
  13. Disturbios

One more death metal band, and they seem to be somehow related to Profecium (at least, according to Metal-Archives, the lead singer of Profecium was also in Terrorist). Musically it's just typical death metal, nothing really outstanding, but if you like good death metal or grindcore (Terrorizer, Napalm Death, Brutal Truth, etc.), you probably will like "Mata O Muere". They have at least one more album (called "Collision" and released in 2002). 


By the way, I've found an article about history of Profecium (in Spanish). Don't know how accurate are the facts in it, but here it is:

"PROFECIUM: Año 1993, Solrak sube a un colectivo que lo llevaria a su casa en La Matanza, zona oeste. alli se encuantra con odnajela, un viejo compañero de la escuela con quien habia (para el pesar de ellos) dado el catesismo. lo que mas les sorprendio a ellos fue que ambos compartian los estandares de vestimentas de heavy metal, cosa que los unio bastante. ordanjela y behemoth (hermano de solrak, guitarrista cantante de sartan)eran fanaticos del doom y comensaron a ensayar, ayudandoles solrak con la bateria. al poco tiempo encuentr a olbap y con el deciden formar a profecium, una de las bandas precursoras del black metal latinoamericano. la formacion fue solrak (guitarras y voces), ordnajela (bajo) y olbap (bateria).con esa formacion comienzan a hacer fechas enrolados por una influencia cruzada entre celtic frost y bathory. una persona en el under tenia un sello discografico independiente llamado dark drumer records. esta persona tenia ganas de firmar con sartan (la otra banda de metal extremo de solrak) pero como sartan ya habia firmado para sick boy racords, solrak decidio mentirle al dueño del sello diciendole que sartan todavia no estab preparado, pero que tenia otra banda para mostrarle, Profecium. y asi fue al dueño del sello le interezo la banda y decidio producirles su disco debut "satanas". los miembros de profecium decidieron festejar el mismo dia de la grabacion. antes de entrar a los estudios, se emborracharon y cuando terminaban sus partes se drogaban y seguian tomando alcohol, cosa que horrorizo a los ingenieros del estudio. para varios temas tuvieron la colavoracion de maimon (el otro guitarrista/vocalista de sartan) quien cuado daba sus gritos desgarrados, solrak lo golpeaba en sus costillas para que suene mas desgarrado. finalisada la grabacion el disco se edita en 1994. para ese mismo año profecium tiene 2 grandes sucesos: 1 - cuando sartan entra a los estudios para grabr "sepultando las lagrimas del señor" se encuentran con los miembros de labanda terrorist, con quien establesen amistad. al poco tiempo esta banda se separa y su vocalista, atar (tambien llamado chukaro), pasa a cantar en profecium 2 - el segundo suceso importante para profecium fue el primer festival de solo black metal en argentina donde tocaron con hermon, windfall y otra banda mas desconocida.. para ese tiempo comenzaron a componer los temas de su segundo disco "socilismo satanico". como se puede imaginar este disco tiene una lirica de tinte politico enraizado con el comunismo, convirtiendolo asi en el primer disco como tal de RABM. en cuanto al satanismo se lo usa de forma simbolica. muchos problemas se le suman a profecium: profanacion de cementerios, palizas varias, linchamientos, incendio del local sick boy records. en el 96 se les une aknalb en teclados. para principios del 97 entran a estudios para grabar "socialismo satanico". el mismo no fue editado "oficialmente", osea no fue dado en istribucion directa a el publico. solo 500 copias se editaron y fueron repartidos entre amgos cercanos a la banda"


  1. there are some people who don´t understand spanish so i´m going to translate it to english in order to you folks can read it.

    PROFECIUM: year 1993, solrak gets into a bus who leads him to La Matanza, west zone. inside of the bus he mets with ordnajela, an infancy friend wich did the holy communion. THE most funny thing for both of them was to see ech other and recognize the metal uniform they have.
    ordnajela and behemoth (brother of solrak and guitarrist/ grow vocals of sartan) were fans of doom metal and started a band wich had solrak on drums baking them up.
    one of those days they found olbap and so they started PROFECIUM, being the line-up: solrak (guitarrist/vocals), ordnajela (bass) and olbap (drums). they started playing shows influenced by early celticfrost/ early bathory.
    a guy into the underground had an small and independent record company called dark drummer records, who was interested in sartan. unfortunately for him sartan had already made a deal with Sick Boy records so solrak decided to lie to him and told him that sartan was´t ready yet BUT he had another black metal band.
    band. the owner of dark drummer records thought they were cool so he decided to produce their first album called "sathanas". the very same they of the recording the member of profecium started to party hard and so they started drinking TONS of beer and white drinks (like vodka X) ) so when they arrived at the recording studio they were completely drunk and when they finished their parts they went outside in order to buy some more alcohol and marijuana, wich made the enginners made them scared ´til death. on the intro and another one more song, maimon (the other sartan´s guitarrist/vocalist) shouts some really horrifing scream. whem he shouted, solrak hit him on his ribs in order to make him suffer and the shout will be more awful (another thing that make the enginners go crazy jajajaj).

  2. in early 1994 the black metal sees greats albums coming likke mayhem´s "de mysteriis dom sathanas" or burzum´s "hvies lisett tar oss". one of those records was "sathanas" of profecium. that very same year, sartan (the other band of solrak, where he played bass and sang) went into the studio in order to record their legendary demo tape "sepultando las lagrimas del señor". there they found the member of terrorist and they made a great friendship with atar (also knowed as chukaro). after a while terrorist desapears from earth and atar goes into profecium taking care of the vocals duty (of profecium). that same year they they part of the first black metal festival with HERMON, WINDFALL and another unknowed band (back on those days some of the band get into the stage, played and went out without saying their name or anything).
    PROFECIUM starts to writing the material for "socialismo satanico", wich was the very first RABM record EVER. the satanism was used as a simbolism (but NOT anton lavey´s satanism).
    also another activities goes into profecium´s members lifes: grave´s desecreation, fights, burning down Sick Boy records in 1996 and lychings (on one of those NS skinhead marcelo scaleo died X) ). in 1996 aknalb joing them playing keyboards and in 1997 they record "socialismo satanico", wich is NOT officialy edited. that means that it wasn´t distributed to the audience but 500 copies were printed and were distributed to closer friend and member of PODER NEGRO and finally that year they spli-up do to lack of knowledge to carrying with PODER NEGRO and their antifa fight.
    now solrak (in the 90's knowed as diogenes or sabhatan, now knowed as elektro) plays the drums in bolchevikes with his brother behemoth (now knowed as makina) on guitars, atomiko on bass and ciego on vocals (in the 90's was knowed as alfred, singer of ZORETOR, an anarko-punk band that solrak had who realesed 2 records "creastas asesinas" and "al capitalismo con todo el odio de la clase").
    i hope this may help you, i'm sorry if there is any mistake.
    greetings from argentina


  3. why you skipped some parts, where they mention communism

  4. hi, could you re upload the album? thank you so much for sharing!
