Sunday, January 24, 2010

Заводь - demo (2009)

ЗАВОДЬ "demo"

Year: 2009
Genre: Blackened Crust
Country: Ukraine

Track List:

  1. В объятиях валькирий я чувствую, что мне пора избавиться от всего и обрести себя
  2. Больше, чем слово
  3. Юность во впадинах глаз
  4. О гордом имени и низких поступках
  5. Агония леса
  6. Человек

Заводь are a new blackened crust band from Eastern Ukraine (Kharkiv), and their name means "creek of river" in both Russian and Ukrainian. Here's their first 6-track demo, which is very short (only about 4.5 minutes)... The first 5 tracks feature extreme raw blackened crust/powerviolence in the vein of Iskra and Life Is Hell. And the final track is obviously influenced by atmospheric black metal (especially of Cascadian kind). For me it's the best track on the whole demo, and I expect more stuff like that from them in the future.

Their lyrics are very symbolic and hard to translate. But at least I'll try to translate the song names:
  1. In the embrace of valkyries, I feel that I need to get rid of everything and to find myself...
  2. More than a word
  3. Youth in the eyes
  4. Of a proud name and low deeds
  5. Agony of a forest
  6. Human
Release notes: "Never thing that you do too much. Always try to do even more".

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